Blue Economic, Communication, & Marine Life.
Hari/Tanggal: Rabu/ 24 Agustus, 2022
Waktu: 01:30 – 3.30 (Jakarta/Bangkok Time)
Yang dihadiri :
1. Assoc.Prof.T. Syahrul Reza
(Founder – CEO ASEAN Lecturer Community)
2. Assoc.Prof.Ts.Dr. Jessica Ong Hai Liaw.
(Lecture of National Defence University of Malaysia & vice chairperson of women in logistics and transport CILT, Malaysia)
Dengan topik : Technology in communication for Military Personnel Through Family Bonding
3. Kaisa Akhir, S.IK.,M.Mc.,M.B.A
(Lecturer STIE Indonesia – Jakarta)
Dengan topik : Blue Economy and Digital Leadership : Youth Actions
Join Meeting:
Meeting ID: 917 2326 1503
Passcode: 593918